And very the penat. Ari ni sabtu. I should just stay at home but today ade gotong royong kat skool. So, gotta wake up early dis morning and bersiap secepat mungkin to attend the gotong royong. What to do…a new guru pelatih, so the sentiment of bullying is still exist in senior teachers’ mind. Bully here not the same as they kick your ass or poke your head like teens used to do.. Erm, I would say it is covertly bully the new pelatih laa..hohoho! by doing this and that…schools’ work lorr…
But, never mind…at least I learn something from them. How to manage file, how to tidy up rooms?erk perlu ke? Kat uma pon da slalu wat pe! Huuu.
Anyway, it’s good to involve yourself in activities like this. (juz being on positive side)
Em, pe lagi ek?ha, I felt very hepy when students were already at school as I stepped in the school’s compound. The gotong royong supposed to start at 8.30. but the students were already there since 8. huish, semangat tol bebudak nih! Cayalah! N they were very helpful. Tak payah nak suruh buat ape, becoz they know what to do… panggil sekali je, dtg berduyun nk tlg teacher. Erm, anak sape ni eh…huuu.
Tp xtaw la kot2 dorang very the excited to help becoz I’m the new teacher. So, they thought I am good enuff la kot. Yela, teacher yg xpenah get mad at them. Hmmm, once I start my class on next Monday, they’ll know who I am. hohoho!
di saat teacher tersebut bangun awall, ada makhluk 2 bgun lambat gilo... x sensetip langsung la makhluk yg sorang 2 .. ngeh2
taw xpe...saje jek org tuh nk jeleskn org laen...sdp jek die tidoq...
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