SK Chohong.
That’s the name of my school for my 3-month-practicum. Never heard of this school before. But I do hope that it will be a good place to work for RM10 per day. Huuu. Anyway, a little bit info bout my school, it is listed under SKM (sekolah kurang murid) n actually cikgu also kureng…ooops..kurang! murid 94 org jek. N cikgu 13 org. n gess wat? My class 10 org murid. That’s the best aspect of this school. Very different la from my other friends. Dorg mostly dpt 30 until 45 murid per class. Thank God! ;-)
Erm, pe lg ek nk cite psl skool ni…pk jap…ha, skool ni pon kcik gak. Kcik gle. Setiap darjah 1 till darjah 6 de 1 class jek. Meaning, darjah 1 1 klas, darjah 2 1 klas,….smpi darjah 6 1 klas. Luas skool ni pon xbrape luas la…seswai la ngan kurang murid nye tu… N the thing that surprised me is this skool has no staff room. Xde bilik cikgu wei… Agak2 la kn…taw la kureng cikgu, tp xkn xde bilik guru…hukhukhuk
That is the fact la aku n lianot should accept. Korg gess la kat ne ktorg duduk2 if we don’t have class…can u guys gess? Library?Salah….ofis?salah….bilik guru? Lg la salah… kat kantin wei! Can u imagine?cannot? cannnnn! We all duduk kt atas bgku kntin n put our books n stuffs kt meja kantin. N we are very happy with it! ;-0
Every morning, we will sit there until the school’s bell rings then we can get up from that bangku. If I have class pon, I don’t have the chance to sit on teacher’s comfy chair becoz teaching n learning is more effective when teacher moves about in classroom. Kan kan kan? ;-p
Erm, this first whole week , I didn’t teach pon becoz SK Chohong is having examination. I just entered the class to invigilate je la not teaching. When I was in the school, I really cant wait to go home. Even though it is 45-minute-journey, aku n lianot still excited nk blik..kalo bley, nak rebut2 ngn students kuar pintu pgar skool. Tp pride kne jage beb…! Hohoho!
Ha, lg 1 I wanna share with u readers, about FOOD! Why did I capitalized the word food? Becoz food is very essential to me an lianot. We r the FOOD MANIAC! Hahahaha! u know wat? We were very disappointed la with the condition of food at the school canteen. Cam nk xnk jek msk…yela, da cikgu kureng! I repeat, cikgu kurang la…adusss…. Tp xpe, we still gotta eat. Alas perot…even xsedap, we hav to telan jek...seb baek telan tu keje senang jek. Kalo x, msti aku complain gak nnti…manusia mmg camni kn…suke komplen..Huuu.
I just need time tuk besekan diri ngn environment skool, hopefully, sooner or later I will feel comfortable and happy with it. ;-)
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